Joanna Wash.



"Hello girls!" You know, that one phrase is enough to send me into complete ecstacy. We are quite lucky to be able to experience the thrills that one little phrase can give.

I have been trying for some time to pinpoint the beginnings of my transvestite tendencies. I guess I first noticed that there was something different about me when I was about seven years old.

My mother and father were never really strict with me. I would get a spanking once in a while, but never anything else. I was not forced to wear any pretty little dresses, and when I was young I don't think I was really interested in wearing them.

The first attraction I had to anything feminine was the long hair that some of the girls at school had.

There were many times that I would daydream about having waist length hair tied in pretty bows. I would wonder how it would feel and just thinking about it made me very excited.

This fascination with long hair lasted for the first few years of my FP life. I don't know when it happened, but one day I found some make- up in the bathroom. This particular day, for some reason, I found it to be like a magnet. I just couldn't force myself away from the few articles my mother had left lying around. I finally gave in and had my first ex- perience with making up. The results, were no doubt clumsy, but I was definitely hooked to the fullest extent in the femme life.